Most useful in your business website hosting

Posted by Play | Posted in , , , | Posted on 04:02

If you run a website hosting company, you already know the challenges of the sector. Thousands of competitors are just a click away, ready to undercut your price.

Potential customers see hosting as a business commoditiy and the price. Different directories, as Hostreview, Acehosts and Hostindex make it easy to make comparisons.

As you can profit more from your company in these conditions?


Calculate the value of your lifeCustomer. For example, suppose that the average customer stays with us for 15 months and pays 16.95 a month. This is their value of life for its activity is not $ 254.25. So all customers who purchase makes your business (on average) $ 254.25.

When a visitor accesses the site, then out of respect for the leaves, which have lost more sales likely. Had you invested in sales copy that compels visitors to buy from you? Is your site helping him see that you l 'The best choice for your situation? Present your credibility, guarantee services and incentives to try the service. Making it easier to buy from you.

Next, keep the customer

Since each customer is hard-won and the value of the customer is so high, we want to ensure that support services that satisfy your customers.

Once a customer leaves you for another website host, he's gone forever. You probably already make customer service a priority, with e-mailresponded to a timely and well-trained technical support. Go the extra mile. Do not wait for customers to you. Ask your customers how you're doing.


The customer has already purchased from you. There is familiarity and trust. You can easily offer a free voice of your list of current customers.

The biggest concern of your customers is how to build a line of success. It's easy to offer online marketing, eBook and additional services. It canas simple as it is an affiliate program needs an element of your customer, then make him aware of the item.

Focus on these 3 areas, the customer is always keeping the customers and selling more to him. Enjoy higher profits in your website hosting business.

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